I went on a hike today.
Saw a waterfall. A beautiful mountain range. A little stream flowing towards the abyss of overflow. A pool of water so clear you can see the fallen trees, the soil, the fish.
I tracked with my eyes certain parts of the water as it cascaded down. How the focus of the mountain changed depending on the abundance of the sun. A little bug crawling on a tiny tree branch on the forest floor.
It’s amazing how much we lose by looking through a screen.
I’m looking through a screen right now as I type this. Listening to “Lady of Silence” by Deepak Chopra, drinking an IPA on a balcony at my AirBNB. I have no idea if anyone reads this. Little do people know this blog will become my book (Easter Egg!).
Why is this post called Connection?
Because of the details the Earth provides.
The bugs. The ripples of the leaves as the wind meanders from east to west. The rays of sun beaming down on the mountains. The time spent with family, with those you’ve known your whole life. The interactions with complete strangers.
It’s all life. It’s all around us.
Connect to it. In person. Like humans used to millennia ago.