8 billion people in the world

And each of those humans deserve access to getting their nervous system checked. Unfortunately, there just aren’t enough upper cervical doctors, not enough trained hands to reach that many humans. The overall goal for this nationwide group is to be able to provide this type of care to the world. The best we can do right now is to have service trips, where doctors and young energized students via The Art of the Specific (TATS), go to third world countries and provide free upper cervical chiropractic care to those who don’t have access to health care at all.

IN 2022


In 2022 as one of those young energized students, I had the opportunity to participate in 2 service trips to Mexico City, which is the sixth largest city in the world. There, in the span of 8 total days over 2 trips I was able to check 800 people. In total, 11,000 people were seen over 2 trips. And the one word I could use to describe those experiences would be this: humbling.

Humbling not because of being in a third world country or the amount of people showing up. Humbling not because of the people who walked for the first time in years after showing up in a wheelchair or having neuropathies in all four extremities gone 15 minutes after one correction.

It was humbling due to seeing what their daily lives are like.

Whenever I travel, I try to spend a couple of days playing “tourist” and immerse myself in this foreign culture (I got that from my parents). I got two stories for you.

On our last day in Mexico City, a group of us went to the Floating Gardens of Xochimilco. You go on a little boat with a tour guide and float down a canal that’s lined with houses. It’s not just a canal or river though. It’s these people’s front street, their driveway. And we saw a 6 year old boy walk out of his house, load up the boat with mangoes, and take a 10 ft long stick, and push his vessel down his “street” to go sell these mangoes to help bring money in for his family.



Just after that, we saw a man scooping rain water out of his wooden boat while his dog was hanging out in there with him.

Did he use a bucket? No no no. He used a wooden shovel.

Humbling again.

It was eye opening to me after seeing almost 600 people in 5 days to see them in their natural element. What their everyday life looks like. These people give their last meals of the week to us because they feel they need to reciprocate the act we gave them when we give with no expectations of return. And we come back to the States with a new invigorated perspective on what it really means to serve our community.

The best part is, you are on our team as well. 3% of every care plan purchased at one of The Specific Chiropractic Centers gets donated towards our Global Outreach Initiative to help fund these trips to third world countries who normally don’t have access to any kind of health care. By taking the initiative to invest in yourself, you are also providing opportunities to those around the world.

If you’re feeling inspired and hopefully humbled, please serve with us.

“Our bodies are our gardens – our wills are our gardener’s.”

– William Shakespeare