Deeply Rooted
by Dr. Chris Brown

What drives you?

I recently asked my colleague and mentor “What’s your favorite question to ask people?”

His response was the question above. 

He states once he becomes acquaintances with someone, becomes “cool” with them, he’ll ask them that question. 

What drives you?

I guarantee your first inkling as a response to that question will be family, or travel, or money. 

Thats superficial. 

I’m talking about the deeply rooted reason, the deeply rooted fuel, the thing that is presses on the gas when you wake up in the morning.

Your current answer is superficial. Allow the thoughts to flow and bubble up. 

Is it fear? Fear of regret? Is it a chase? Chasing your future self? Is it your past? Something you are running from? 

The only real thing every individual human has is their own reasoned choice. Everything else can be taken away. The phone you are reading this on, The sweatshirt on your back. The cup your tea is in. The roof that is over your head. The life of your loved ones. 

Those can all be taken away. The one thing that can’t is your reasoned choice. 

Everyone makes daily choices, daily decisions. To get out of bed or lay in bed, to exercise or make coffee, to create something or take orders. 

Your drive is a choice. You choose the fuel that presses your gas. Unleaded fuel is nice and cheap. Premium is a little better. Jet fuel? Now we’re talking.

High octane fuel? Only accessible through deeply rooted introspective work regarding the question “what drives you?”