Finish Lines
by Dr. Chris Brown

Who decides when you are done?

The workout program? The time everyone else clocks out? 

Only you. 

You are the only one who has the complete capability and self control of that decision and choice. The only thing that is in our control is our reasoned choice and if the decision of when we are done is our choice therefore we decide when we are done. 

When you leave crumbs for tomorrow, its because you said you were done today when you actually weren’t. Somewhere there’s a disconnect between your plan and the outcome. 

When you press snooze, you are deciding you are not done sleeping. Why might that be? Why are you tired? Well because something you did jacked your sleep up. Maybe you stayed up late last night, maybe you were out partying, who knows. But that day before, you actively chose the incorrect finish line. 

You chose you weren’t done watching tv, thus now snowballing to you choosing you’re not done with sleeping. You chose you weren’t done drinking and now your choosing you’re not done recovering. Now exercise is compromised. 

The potential for snowballs to occur during a day is so accessible it has become normalized and accepted. 

If you curb your own snowballs, people think you are crazy. Society shames you. Shames you for discipline, for making the hard choice, for sticking to your plan. 

But thats all okay, thats fine. Let them have their finish lines, their deadlines, their choices, their thoughts. You own your finish line, you own your own deadlines, you own your choices. 

However, you are not your thoughts. But your choice about the lens in which you view your thoughts are. You create the deadline on when you want to deal with those thoughts and you establish your finish line of addressing that thought by when done is done. 

So when are you done? When the outcome you started with has been actualized and now is part of reality, part of history, part of the past. 

Just like me finishing this blog when my hands are numb in the cold. Done for the month. See you in February. 

Finish Line = Achieved. On to the next. Always on the Up.