Know Yourself
by Dr. Chris Brown

All humans are in pursuit of one thing, whether they are aware of it or not.

Knowing my truest inner self.

I am still in pursuit of it. It’s a never ending pursuit. It takes daily work to peel off one more layer. One day a layer might not even get peeled off during a 24 hour day.

Unlocking awareness of our truest inner self accesses the opportunity to step up into our full potential. See we think we are in pursuit of performing at our full potential but if we don’t even know why we are doing something, then we don’t know where we are going.

This is why awareness is key. This is why we are actually pursuing our truest inner self when we think we are pursuing our potential.

Pursuing your inner truest self is getting to know yourself. Hanging out with yourself. Spending time with you. Listening to you. You are the only person who has experienced every interaction, conversation, thought, moment of your entire life and mind.

You should know you inside and out like the back of your hand.

You should be your own best friend.

Why run away from you knowing you?

Who are you running away from?
