Mental Freedom
by Dr. Chris Brown

I remember I was walking with my friend during chiropractic school, and he was expressing internal mental conflict with himself. 

I said “can I ask you something?” and he said “sure”.

So I asked him,

“Are you mentally free?”

Being mentally free is extremely difficult to obtain yet so easily slips through our fingers. Mental peace. Mental clarity. 

One word. One conversation. One interaction. One observation. One bad memory. Stressing of the unknown. 

That’s all it takes to lose mental freedom and fall into the world of susceptibility. 

But what does mental freedom even look like? 

Its where you and your thoughts are on the same page, the same team for days, weeks, months. You no longer question or battle your thoughts over something you said or did 3 months ago. Thoughts no longer come into your head space willy nilly and dominate your entire day. 

Where you’re doing you unapologetically. You tap into your true inner self and break the societal bonds of behaving a certain way, of dropping the filters you’ve placed upon yourself in order to fit in, of breaking engagements of participating in activities or interactions that don’t fill your cup up. 

Externals don’t impact you. Opinions don’t impact you. You no longer take them personally. You no longer take your own thoughts personally. You operate in a world of objectivity. You’re constantly ahead. Your time creates time. Internally your head space slows down while the externals for everyone around you speeds up. 

Fortify your mind. Train your subconscious. Adapt and flow with the daily unknowns that inevitably pop up. Be proactive and productive so that you can have daily, weekly and monthly fun experiences.