Recall the second thought I had from that November 6th meditation on my previous blog post:
“My mind gives me energy”
How is that possible?
I’ll tell you how.
You see, performance is directly proportional to morale. In other words, when you have low morale, you have low performance. The quality of your performance will drop when your morale drops, and on the flip side, your morale will rise when your performance rises.
When morale stays high for a period of time, we now have momentum. And you just ride it.
There are three “tanks” that feed into morale. Daily energy tank, weekly energy tank and monthly energy tank.
This post is about the daily energy tank.
“But wait, I thought this was about my mind giving me energy due to momentum created by consistent elevated morale?”
I’m sorry to say but sleep does not fill your daily energy tank up. It cleans it from the prior day, and preps it to get filled up.
Which means our morning is our opportunity to fill this sparkling, shiny clean energy tank up with loads of positive, momentous energy.
Well what are the ingredients?
Activities, things that increase resilience to stress while simultaneously lowering stress.
High resilience, low stress. Now we have a window, a door, a gap.
What flows through that gap?
All you did, what you just created, is the opportunity for that momentum to flow through the gap between resilience to stress and stress itself which you ALSO just simultaneously created.
Read it again. Not 2. Not 3. 4 things. Resilience, low stress, momentum, and a way for that momentum to travel.
Who needs to knock out 2 birds with one stone when you just knocked 4 birds out with one stone?
What’s the stone?
Your morning routine. A routine that contains the ingredients that raises your resilience to stress, lowers your actual emotional, physical and mental stress loads while at the same time creates momentum for the rest of your day.
Spend time this week thinking about what your specific and unique ingredients catered specifically to your needs look like.
And next week I’ll share what mine look like.
Healthy brain, happy mind.
Be the pilot of your life. Not the passenger.