Quadrant II
by Dr. Chris Brown

Activities are a cross matrix of 4 things.

Important, not important. Urgent, not urgent.

When you criss cross them, you get 4 quadrants – important and urgent, important and not urgent, urgent and not important, not urgent, not important.

What’s the best quadrant to live life in?

Important and not urgent.

Time is the creator of stress. Worrying about the future creates anxiety. Future is a function of time. Dwelling on the past cultivates depression. Past is a function of time. Panicking over something that is due tonight. Due dates are a function of time. Having to immediately answer the text that just caused your blood pressure to spike. Anything immediate is a function of time.

When life is lived in importance but not urgency, it allows you to operate in a zoomed out perspective. All of a sudden, you are spending your time taking action on things that will benefit you 6 months down the line.

Then six months later, you are riding momentum you created 6 months prior while using your present time to generate units of momentum for 6 months further down the line,

It’s a gear that never ends but as soon as urgency is placed upon the action, stress ensues.

Get ahead, stay ahead and a lot of good things happen.