The Game
by Dr. Chris Brown

Winning streaks.

When a sports team starts winning more than they lose, they feel good, confident.

When sports teams start winning some games in a row, they start feeling like they’re getting a rhythm and starting to gel together.

Winning streaks though?

That’s when teams become dangerous.

That’s when teams are riding so much momentum that other’s look their schedule and say “Oh no”.

You become a machine of momentum. So much flowing that you couldn’t stop if you wanted to.

So here’s the game I recently started playing.

The Game of Streaks:

Level 1.1: Go 4 straight weeks of accomplishing that one thing per week (say write a blog post)
Level 1.2: Go 3 straight weeks of writing one blog post a week. One of those weeks, you write two.
Level 1.3: Go 2 straight weeks of writing two blog posts during that week.
Level 1.4: Go 1 week of writing four.

Level 2.1: Go 5 straight weeks of accomplishing that one thing per week (say write a blog post)
Level 2.2: Go 4 straight weeks of writing one blog post a week. One of those weeks, you write three.
Level 2.3: Go 3 straight weeks of writing 1 blog post per week. Two of those weeks, you write two.
Level 2.4: Go 2 straight weeks of writing 1 blog post per week. One of those weeks you write two. One of those weeks you write three (so 5 total).
Level 2.5: Go 1 week of writing 5.

So see how these streaks stack?

In a 10 week stretch, you wrote 16 blogs. Then in a 15 week stretch, you wrote 25.

The rate goes from 1.6 posts per week to 1.66 posts per week.

Now lets say Level 3 was 6’s. So 6 straight weeks, all the way to 6 in one week.

Now that’s 1.8 blogs per week.

Our capacity increases which will be representative of increases in efficiency and effectiveness.

Before, I would only write one day a month. Then I went 4 times a month. And then 6 times a month. And then 6 times in two weeks.

You found a way to do more in the month. For the act of you doing something producing an outcome that gets you closer towards a goal in 6 months.

And then you started to learn how to do it faster.

Your capacity became 6.

And now you streak 6 together. 4 weeks in a row.