Water Thoughts
by Dr. Chris Brown

A blueprint for treating thoughts. 

If you look at the end of my prior release of “My Mind is My Friend”, you’ll read: “whatever my mind conjures up is what I’ll actively dive into and just as easily let go of, like water passing over a rock.”

That last part, “like water passing over a rock” is how thoughts should be treated.

Our brain conjures up 80,000 thoughts a day. And 80 percent of those thoughts are negative. 10% of those thoughts are created by the conscious mind. And 90 percent of those thoughts are subconscious. 

So this is how random thoughts will just pop up in my head! It’s from my subconscious! 

Cool. So maybe then I can actually handle those thoughts, that they are in my control. 

I’m here to tell you that yes, they are. 

Here’s the approach.

Imagine water passing over a rock. The rock is you, your brain, your conscious mind. The water is a subconscious thought passing over the rock, which is your consciousness. 

We have this thought now. Active, in our head, in our presence. What we do with this thought will determine whether or not that thought is constructive or destructive. 

If we treat the thought like water, then we are not attached to that thought. We don’t dwell. We observe. We think “why is this thought here”, “what could this thought be telling me”, “how can i turn this into some kind of positive momentum?”. Then we let it go. We let it flow away and we continue with our day with a new awareness, new perspective while not being tied to that thought. 

If we are attached to that thought, we dwell. We challenge the thought. We resist the thought. Now we have a tornado in our head that we can’t stop. When you resist a thought, it persists. 

Read that again.

When you resist a thought, it persists.

So what’s the opposite of resist?


Just like water and a rock. 

Apply this concept towards how you treat thoughts. And witness the ease of the water coming and leaving your mind.

Be the pilot of your mind. Not the passenger.